Friday, October 7, 2011

Jett & GG Had a Big Time!

I had a wonderful visit in Dallas with my precious baby Jett. Got home in time for an audition in a  SAG film starring Will Farrell. I was a lower middle class wife watching TV. Yay! Please I hope I book this one!  It was also my daughter's Birthday and I made her Caramel Apples.

This afternoon till early evening I'll be on set shooting "The Order Of Things"! So happy to be filming.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Day

Today feels like a new day! After being sequestered at home since my husband retired. ARRRGHRRED!!!!!  I'm off to Dallas to spend a few days with Baby Jett and time away from words that scar.

I had a great audition last week for an Industrial. It shoots the end of October, which I hope so much I book! Then I a film role I booked for Oct. 6,7, & 8. That will be wonderful. I love that I get to keep doing what I love!

This is my Waitress Character I'll be for the film "The Order Of Things".  Can't wait to bring her to life.
This is the Character I'm hoping to book for the Osteoporosis Industrial I auditioned for last week.
For now, This is where I'm headed. To spend 4 days with my precious Grand Son Jett! Yea!
God you are so good to me.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cover Girl At Last

As a teenager I thought, What a thrill it would be to land on the cover of "Seventeen Magazine". Now in my 50's I made the cover of a different, yet very significant magazine, "Texas Monthly". I'm posing as a Texas Politician in the July 2011 issue. Very cool. God is always surprizing me with special bookings and great exposure.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Characterture or Character ?

I filmed an awesome scene a week or so ago. However, the make-up gal went a little overboard trying to make me LOOK crass. My character is "The Crass Woman", but the words she says, the attitude she has, lets the camera know that subtley. I hope at the screening coming up I'm not too dissapointed. I always an adversion to hair and make-up folk. I know how to create my characters AND myself better than they do. Sometimes in the biz if you protest, you are considered 'hard to deal with'. So I give in and then beat myself up about it later. UURRRGGGGG!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Beginner - Novice

Okay two years ago I decided to learn to use the "Audio Prompter".  I'd heard there was a lot of work out there for this skill. So I studied, worked hard, walked around with an earpiece continually. I even had to audition this new skill for my agent. So time passes with no audition for such and I forget all about it. THEN ...  I received an audition notice for an Audio Prompter Industrial!!!! Yikes!!!! Get the script loaded on my prompter, which took about 60 tries till I thought it sounded conversational. Then worked all evening with my "Flip" camera to make sure I was pulling it off in front of the lens, Very tricky actually. Arrived at my audition, truly nervous but confident.


Saturday, April 30, 2011


I am so blessed in so many ways! My friends get gifts and then bless me with using their gift. So the case of AnnMarie's birthday present. A professional camera that rocked my pictures out of the park yesterday! Thank you for being so generous to me AnnMarie!

You made me feel like a MOVIE STAR!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Watch for me !!!

Watch for me this Friday, April 29, at 7:00 pm on NBC! I'll be Ms. Rene on "Friday Night Lights" episode #503, directed by David Boyd.

Been busy sending out Postcards to Casting Directors. Hopefully I'll get called in for some auditions in the coming weeks.

I had a wonderful time in Dallas for a week as "GG" with my grandson "Jett". What a joy He is in my life.

Yesterday was Easter. Church was wonderful with Alan singing and playing the Sax. He rocked it!

My thought for the day: "With man it is impossible, BUT with God All Things are possible." Possible here is Dynamos! Meaning with God's dynamic Power He can take me from obscure to highly sought after actress in a nano second!

It's all good!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March is my Birthday Month

Don't cry because it's Over,
Smile because it Happened.

Yes, my last year in this decade.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


There are so many layered Characters inside me! I thank GOD I can walk around in the shoes of these women.

Some I love and some I love to leave behind.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Sideshow is a film I just finished shooting. It's about crimes of passion. My shoot was awesome! I learned a lot, mostly more surety in my own abilities. I connected with new actors, refilled my inspiration levels, and laughed so hard at times I had to remind myself about the seriousness of the work I was doing. My scenes came so natural, the weather was perfect for bike riding scene, the entire day was beautiful and magic.

I'm not sure exactly how I even came to be a part of this film. I pretty much believe in everything. This is not so easy as it sounds, some days I find myself disappointed, actually a lot of the time. So things all lining up is a fine little surprise when it comes about. It is good to know I was right about Angels .

On Sunday we met to take a cast photo for the poster. After the photo, we were asked to sing a bit of the theme song as our character would. Awesome! I sang as Martha. I didn't sing as well as I actually can
because I was a little nervous. But I sang it with a breakable heart, one drop away from tears, sad, but soft and graceful as Martha would. I found her. I get it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Shreveport the Shift Shaper

Went to Shreveport last week to audition for a film. Too cold to roll the windows down and let my hair slap my face, I would have loved it! I drove across Texas early morning with Charles Capps encouraging me to see the unseen, dream the dream God put in my heart. The sky hung low and gray, tufts of snow and ice sprinkled the sides of the Louisiana highway.All in head were scenes from movies that had not yet been made and songs unsung, that I sang with beautiful voice God gifted me. I think looking back - that trip was meant to be escapist for me, but all the way as the tires spun round and round, I thought of how happy I was to go back to a place I truly love to show off in.That's where Scott Marshall said to me after my read, "Very nicely done!" I don't know if he ever mentioned me to his Dad Gary, or his aunt Penny, maybe he did.
I drove with my back against the seat of the Toyota Camry cultivating the uncanny mind sweeping thoughts that now take up most of my days - thoughts that it has to be! Maybe not everyone thinks this much and at this intensity all the time. Studying God's Word, speaking it, believing, waiting expectantly for the manifestations.

I'm gonna make you WANT to be with me 2011! Walkin around the house like a Movie Star, smiling to myself about the sheer beauty of being an actress. Calling things that are not manifested in the natural realm, as though they were manifest in the natural realm, until they are manifest in the natural realm. God did the same thing! He called things that are not as though they were.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

This New Year has started out great! I've already had one film audition, with one more on Thursday evening. I have a booking for a witness re-enactment on Thursday and Friday as well!  I've been to a great New Year Gathering and now Lonna & Jett are coming in for the week end.

Friends are so important. I have some of the best, I'm so grateful for such unexpected blessings.

I love you 2011 !!!