Awesome things are happening! I've had 4 auditions in 6 days! The journey on the Texas Highways has been rainy but inspiring! I bought the Bible on tape by Gregory Peck. I'm driving , then all of a sudden I'm Scout sitting on the porch swing with Atticus teaching me how to wear the armor of God. Very cool! The sun peeks out every now and then; Just long enough to see a poodle with a ball on it's nose in the clouds, or is that a bear? My first stop on Wed. is the Palormar Hotel in Dallas for a film about Texans in a Texaco ex-pat compound in Trinidad. My character is unhappy and aloof. I think I did great! We'll see. Next day, Thursday, to Arlington where I revealed a lot of things about myself (on tape even) I usually keep private. But it was very freeing! I think I feel better. Friday was a free day in Dallas just strolling and taking in the sights. Saturday was a very Texan baby shower. So many characters, Even got a hair-do for my Texas Secretary character I'll use on Monday. Sunday with Del Shores, "Daddy's Dyin Who's Got The Will?" and "Sordid Lives". WOW !!! Great stuff. Wonderful experience. Drove home on Sunday evening in the gray rain, gray sky and gray road. Definitely need new contacts soon! Today I went to Austin for a "Friday Night Lights" audition. I sure felt like I naled it, I hope so.
Staying in this evening and catching up on home life. Life is good!